
Stichting OPR reports annually on its activities and provides accountability to the Dutch Copyright Authority (College van Toezicht Auteursrechten, CvTA), including through an annual report approved by an auditor.

Pursuant to the Dutch Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Collective Management Organisations Supervision Act (Wet toezicht collectieve beheersorganisations auteurs- en naburige rechten), which came into force on 15 July 2003, the Dutch Copyright Authority (CvTA) is charged with the supervision of a number of collective management organisations.

Among other things, CvTA ensures that collecting societies keep orderly (financial) records, collect the fees due for the use of copyright-protected works lawfully and at reasonable management costs and distribute them to rightsholders in a timely manner, use transparent tariff structures, and are sufficiently equipped to perform their tasks properly.

CvTA reports to the Minister of Security and Justice on an annual basis. The Minister shares this report with the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament and the collecting societies.


See below for Stichting OPR’s annual reports (in Dutch).

Annual report 2022